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Re: Obsessions

To: Robert Harper <rharper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Obsessions
From: Christian Rasmussen <Christian@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 12:04:31 -0400
Cc: "swiftsolo@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <swiftsolo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
In-reply-to: <opsqvkorcqtozfut@research_2.rd.iat-cti.com>
References: <opsqvkorcqtozfut@research_2.rd.iat-cti.com>
We'll have to wait for the final test results, but some evidence points toward hull being cored with
a non-cedar. (Not the deck) will create a just as good or better hull. (although lacking some beauty)

From Brams earlier email on the subject of testing.
"Because of the design of the Swift, the significant hull loads are nearly all in tension and therefore not prone to cyclic degradation--Nomex or Balsa core would not likely make any difference in performance or longevity. "

Good to hear you are enjoying the boat in cold Utah.. Still shivering when thinking of your snow covered mountain picture.


Robert Harper wrote:

I think that some of us are missing the point that Bram and others have mentioned. That is what is the "cheeper" hull over time. If I could buy/build a hull that will remain competitive for several years that costs event 50% more than a molded hull. How is it better to buy something else that must be replaced every year or two?

The thing to remember is that the class rules were written to make "cheeter" boats non existent. The boats are not coplicated to build. I use the construction phase of a boat to be my diversion over the winter when the lakes are frozen. The boat is not really a wood boat like some think of it. It has a wood core. Many commercial boats have plywood core decks but we never think of them as being wooden. The upkeep is nothing like maintaining a classic teak deck like those on a Westsail.

This is a fun and amazingly easy boat to sail. Sunday I went out on the course with the "lead mines" and had a blast. It is so much fun to push an Olson 30 into the committee boat at the start or force one of them to give room on a port-starboard. I was even able to go the whole day without a swim. Gone was my customary "teabag" at the kite toss. I find that the more I just sail and stop thinking about how things work, the better the boat sails. I don't think that people should avoid the boat because of the "high performance" label. I have been pleasenty supprised at how easy the boat is to sail.

My advice to those sitting on the fence is to find someone that has one and take it for a test drive. The swift is a great boat for someone that wants more out of sailing. You don't have to be an olympic skipper to enjoy sailing the boat.

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