Canon PowerShot G3 | 1/60 | f/2.0 | (flash) | 7.2mm

img_2972 (1/31)

The front cradle pattern. Getting these patterns correct was a bit tricky - I cut them roughly from the templates I used for the stations. I then put them on the cradle, and used a pen taped lengthwise to a strip, and ran the pen, on it's edge, along the cradle. This way, I got a line 1/2" from the cradle surface all along the pattern. Cut along that line, and the pattern is a better match. The only gotcha here is along the steep part of the slope, because the 1/2" veritcally along the flat area is more than 1/2" vertically along the step areas.

Sep 16, 2004 - 20:37

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