Canon PowerShot G3 | 1/60 | f/2.0 | (flash) | 7.2mm

img_3929 (15/15)

Time for the key strip. This last strip is hard to get in place, because you have to bend it in a kind of omega Ω to make it fit, and because it isn't very long it's hard to get the strip to cooperate. Tamara held one end in place (otherwise it would break with all the wrestling) while I worked on the other end. It also helps to plane off some of the underside cove edge (if the piece to be installed has a cove edge) for the length of the bevel, to allow the piece to slide into place a little bit easier. Remember - the last two full-width strips have the edge facing the space planed flat, so the key piece will fit in.

Jan 23, 2005 - 15:32

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