Canon | 1/60 | f/3.0 | (flash) | 28.8mm

img_1195 (9/19)

Putting the new breather tube in place. I used a brass tube for this; it's about the same diameter. The hole I drilled was about 3/8”. I pushed some rolled tape into the tube to hold it in place, and used the clamp to hold on to the tape. Before inserting the tube, I fit a q-tip down in the hole and tried to get epoxy on the sides. In retrospect, rather than coat the tube in epoxy, I would have put a light coat on it, slid it in, then filled a syringe with epoxy and pressed it into the hole. As it stands, I'm not sure how much of the hole actually got filled (probably just the very top).

Nov 06, 2007 - 21:16

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