Canon | 1/60 | f/2.0 | (flash) | 7.2mm

img_2473 (16/30)

Drilling the holes in the launcher throat and inserting the inserts. The inserts go all the way through the throat, and have a 3/16” opening. When the initial two holes are drilled, it's only the top layer of the thoat, each 1” off centre, and big enough that the tube of the inserts fits in. Then use a drill bit to pull out all the blue foam, including between the two holes. Fill with epoxy/silica/graphite. Put a piece of blue foam in the insert hole of the fitting. Push one fitting in, and make sure that it forces the epoxy over to the other side. Put epoxy in that side, and insert both inserts in and tape down (they will want to pop out).

Feb 02, 2008 - 11:16

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