My opinion on this issue is that the email list is actually better for this
type of stuff as it "pushes" the message into all subscribers email inbox and
therefore all subscribers are notified when someone wants help. This should
mean a greater response from all interested parties.
Forums are fun and I participate in them occasionally but I don't check them
Maybe make Catzooks available on the class website as well??
PS Welcome on board Art
Check out my Swift Solo build progress on
----- Original Message ----
From: "BDally6107@xxxxxxx" <BDally6107@xxxxxxx>
To: swiftsolo@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tuesday, 9 January, 2007 2:58:45 PM
Subject: Welcome our new member and a communication suggestion to members
Help me welcome Art Bedard from Canton CT to our class. Art is our 84th
builder / member (USA 083) and hopes to become a certified builder of Swifts.
Don't hesitate to ask us if you have any questions Art! You'll find our
members very helpful and anxious to see another Swift in the water.
I would like to ask all of you to help me out. Since we brought the class
forum into play my email has been busy with questions, responses to calls for
volunteers, suggestions, and misc. that used to go to catzooks for all to see
(and to go into the archives). This makes things more difficult for me because
the same questions get asked and answered repeatedly and without keeping the
other class members up to speed. I think we may have inadvertently discouraged
you from using catzooks in favor of the forum, however, because of the
inability to post attachments, this does not work in many cases. I would ask
all of you to return to using catzooks for builder/class issues (that are
directed at me) until we can make the forum more user friendly. Al has
suggested that we may be able to move to a Forum that allows attachments from
everyone and that may be a fairly big part of the solution.
I look forward to returning to hearing your questions and suggestions / ideas.
Best regards,
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