Just a note on deck layout measurements.
If you label the station staple holes (station 1 = 12", station 2 = 24",
station 3 = 36" etc. you need only to measure from the nearest set of staple
to locate fittings, toe rails, and other parts. Those staple holes will be
close enough to ensure the kind of accuracy needed (if you want to be anal,
subtract the 1/4" that the staple holes are from the actual station--remember,
the actual station is the face of the particle board instead of the center
where the staples are).
To locate the launcher throat, for example, locate the station 2 staple holes
and locate the center of the throat 1 1/2 inches aft of those holes (a square
up from the deck will be close enough).
This process will save you a lot of time and will help you understand why we
decided to measure everything from station 0 instead of the transom.