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Spartite details and tiller extension stoppers.

To: Bram Dally <BDally6107@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Spartite details and tiller extension stoppers.
From: Christian Rasmussen <Christian@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 06 Feb 2005 22:48:39 -0500
Cc: swiftsolo@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Bram,

Could you describe the process of pouring the spartite for the centerboard blocks.

- Is the block in the boat hull while doing the process.?
- Do you use the clay/foam to seal the block on the opposite side of pouring? If
so how did you do that if the block is in the boat?

I am trying to figure out how to best do this without making a mess, any pointers
would be good.

I also just found your picture of the experimental tiller extension stoppers. How are those
working out? I have had several problems on keeping my shock cord on correctly, and
it seems like a simpler solution to that problem. For those who haven't sailed yet. I can tell you that having something which keeps the
tiller extension sticks in its place is a must. Either shock cord
like the original plans or maybe these stoppers. Otherwise you find yourself looking for the tiller
extension during every tack/jibe. Also during a capsize the one tiller extension will sometimes go under the
jib track and you are fumbling around trying to get it out, meanwhile you are header for another capsize.
Dont cut corners with those.


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